Understand the need to develop shared understanding of and commitment to mission, vision, and core values within the school and the community.
Demonstrate individual and team facilitation skills
Recognize and apply an understanding of individual and group behavior in all situations
Demonstrate an understanding of conflict resolution and problem-solving strategies relative to communication.
Make presentations that are clear and easy to understand
Respond, review, and summarize information for groups
Communicate appropriately (speaking, listening and writing) for different audiences—students, teachers, parents, community and other stakeholders
Understand and utilize appropriate and relevant communication technologies
Utilize genuine listening skills that lead to effective adaptability

Distance Learning Workgroup
Problem: Closing the digital divide in regards to device access as well as tech skills.
Action: Outlined an onboarding process for students to Distance Learning
Outcome: Created a platform with a low barrier to entry to engage students in their learning. Created a clear check-in time with students/staff.