Curriculum Planning and Development
Implement coherent systems of culturally responsive curriculum, instruction, and assessment that promote the mission, vision, and core values of the district to embody high expectations for student learning and align with academic standards.
Develop, assess and support teachers' and staff members' professional knowledge, skills, and practice through differentiated opportunities and emerging trends for learning and growth, guided by understanding professional and adult learning and development
Apply research and best practices on integrating curriculum, technology, and relevant resources to help all learners achieve at high levels.
Understand and assess the implementation of alternative instructional designs, curriculum, positive approaches to behavior management, and assessment accommodations and modifications as appropriate in all programs.
Demonstrate the ability to use data from valid assessments that are consistent with knowledge of child learning and development and technical standards of measurement to monitor student progress
Lead and assess instructional practice that is consistent with knowledge of child learning and development, effective pedagogy, and the needs of each student.
Promote instructional practice that is consistent with knowledge of child learning and development, is intellectually challenging, is authentic to student experiences, recognizes student strengths, and is differentiated and personalized.